Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "AnEarnestSmile("
No, not Wednesday, as in the third weekday. By "Wednesday", I mean my O.C. (original character). Considering that I post so much about other people's galleries, I thought it'd be cool if I introduced you guys to mine. You can catch her over at my account: AnEarnestSmile. She's a panda, no matter how much she doesn't look like one. Her favorite thing to do is wonder. She's young and has as much curiosity as a cat! Her daily costume includes a black dress and a yellow bow. I like the colors yellow and black; they remind me of life (yellow = light, while black = darkness). For her hair, she has a puffy bang with two side buns. If you like her, thanks - it means a lot. I upload new photos of her all the time, so (if you're interested) watch me. The photo on the left was drawn yesterday and is, right now, my most recent drawing of Wednesday. Like all my Wednesday drawings, this one is inspired by a quote.